Dec 1, 2007

loads and loads of gigabytes....

Wow, just beginning to stumble through all the gigabytes of photo's i've shot on our last USA trip. Since it is the first time I shot almost everything in the RAW format, it's a hell of a job!
Luckaly we've picked up some tutorial books during the trip. The best one is Martin Evening's Photoshop Lightroom Book. A program that has been on my pc since it first came out as 'Raw Shooter Essential', which was freeware then. But the folks of adobe bought the little company turned it into Lightroom. Which is one of the best RAW develop programs and a great archiving tool too!
Since my camera and laptop monitor where a little bit 'off', I can rescue some of the pics that I thought where lost! The pic in this entry isn't manipulated, just corrected the exposure and used the shadow/highlight recovery...
Amazing isn't it!

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